Travis County released appraisal values and many homeowners across the Austin area were stunned by the numbers. If you are outside of Travis County you should have also received your appraised value(hopefully at a more reasonable increase). Whether you were satisfied with the appraisal numbers or not, it can be a good idea to protest your taxes. You can do this yourself or hire an expert to do it on your behalf. Below are more details on both options and some helpful resources.
Important Dates
Notice Received By - May 1st OR April 1st if the property is a residence homestead.
Deadline to Protest - May 15th or 30 days after the notice date
Tax Experts
If you prefer to hire a company to protest for you, below are a couple of reputable companies that provide tax protest services. They typically keep a percentage of any amount they are able to save you but some charge a flat fee.
Self Protest Resources
The links below provide FAQs and step-by-step instructions for protesting your taxes on your own.
Property Exemptions
If you are eligible for an exception but have delayed applying for it, don't put it off any longer! You can apply now and we have had clients successfully retroactively file (up to 2 years) for an exemption when eligible. These exemptions not only save you money but also cap the amount your taxes can change per year.
We hope you found this information helpful. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, we are always here to help with all of your real estate needs!
If you or anyone you know needs assistance buying or selling real estate, please let us know! We so appreciate your referrals and the opportunity to continue doing what we love and growing our business.